#GiveThanks by President Russell M. Nelson


I received an email entitled Prophet Prays for Global Healing, Encourages Expressions of Gratitude. I watched the video of President Russell M. Nelson with #GiveThanks.

The message is amazing because it is just what we need at this time or all the time. 

In the last part of the email, it suggests discussing his message in our ward. They encourage us to discuss how exercising the power of gratitude "can soothe our feelings and provide greater perspective on the very purpose of life."

I thought of studying this message for next Sunday's School lesson on November 29, 2020. 


I'm sharing with you today the study guide for this message of President Russell M. Nelson. 

It shows how he delivered his talk in a way that we can see the many things he was grateful for throughout his life experience, as a man of science, his family, and as a man of faith.  


I have been practicing writing down what I'm grateful for each day when I started the bullet journal method last year.

One of the things that amazed me is that when I read what other people are grateful for on their blog posts or from their bullet journal. 

I've realized that I can also be grateful for what others are grateful for. It gives me a different view of the things I haven't thought of being grateful for because of other people.

I'm sharing with you this simple printable. During class, give each one a copy of this. And ask them to check their social media account from their mobile phones. Search for #GiveThanks. 

There will be a number of posts that will be displayed sharing what they are grateful for in response to President Russell M. Nelson's prescribed.

And then, choose what others are grateful about that you haven't thought of being grateful for. Write it down. 


Instead of focusing on my pain, fear, hate, or sadness, at the end of the day when it's time for me to reflect on what I'm grateful for the day, it soothes my feelings. The situation does not build on bitterness instead I became more understanding not only to myself but also to all that surrounds me. And I became better at handling my emotion.

There were days that it is hard to tell what I'm grateful for. However, when I look deep in my heart, the moment something sparks inside that my heart could tell what it is. 

I believe of President Russell M. Nelson said about gratitude that, it provides us with a greater perspective on the very purpose and joy of life.

Our inner peace and happiness depend on how we choose to view things in life. 

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Jellybean said…
Thank you for your beautiful thoughts about what President Nelson shared. I love your suggestion. More blogs from you and more power!
Mari said…
You are so much welcome and thank you!