Let God Prevail by President Russell M. Nelson


President Russell M. Nelson shared his experience studying the doctrine of the gathering of Israel for 36 years and has increased his knowledge. He explained his new insight of the word Israel. He recalled the crucial turning point in the life of Jacob. He explained that the inspiration he received and recalling Jacob's life can add meaning to our commitment to follow God and our role in the gathering of Israel. Followed by the application for our personal improvement. I like the story relating the word myopic. This story showed that we were unable to clearly see the objects far away and are only thinking or caring for things happening now. President Russell M. Nelson told us that by choosing to let God prevail, the Hebraic interpretation of Israel can be of help to us in many ways. He emphasized several ways this interpretation can help us. He showed us what will happen if we desire to let God prevail in our choices in life. He asked, how does the Lord feel when people let God prevail? And what is the Lord willing to do for Israel? With answers. He closed his talk with an invitation to make a list of all that the Lord has promised He will do for covenant Israel. Following his promise and testimony.


There are different ways on how to start this lesson.

I may start by asking a question, 

I'll share President Russell M. Nelson's learning. 

Ask someone to recall the story of President Russell M. Nelson's daughter-in-law.

I feel the most important principle that we have to teach and discuss in this lesson is how being myopic could stop us to clearly see what God's will for us and the ways the Hebraic interpretation of Israel can help us with whatever circumstances we are into. 

Sharing this photo and ask to describe it.

I will explain that my eyes have a problem. I'm also nearsighted. This photo is what I see in the distance. I need eyeglasses to make the view clearer. I'm myopic.

I will relate this to the myopic that President Russell M. Nelson is referring to.  Myopic in our faith is spiritual nearsightedness. We focus on our immediate surroundings or on just what is happening now without seeing the bigger picture of what we are experiencing now. The tendency is that we view God's will through the lens of our own circumstances instead of the lens of God's will.

Give time for discussion. Then followed by this question.

And this question.

In conclusion, show this picture and stating that the cure for being myopic is to let God prevail. In order to see the clear picture of a sunset as shown in this photo, we have to wear eyeglasses. We need to let God prevail to see the wider perspective view. And we will be able to help gather Israel and our willingness will bless us.


I would choose to end this lesson by echoing the promises of our God and of our prophet President Russell M. Nelson when we choose willingly to let God prevail in our lives.


I learned from this talk is the word myopic and the meaning of letting God prevail in my life.

Sometimes when I face my unique challenges, I tend to complain silently. Especially when I wrestled with my emotions. I asked the Lord of many whys. I realized that at that moment, I only think or care about what is happening and I was not able to clearly see God's will. 

I also gain new insight from President Russell M. Nelson's talk. I now understand it more to let God prevail is my willingness to choose God to be the most powerful influence in my life.

I'm excited to share with you today this study guide. If you would like a copy of this, you can download it by clicking the link below. 

Thank you for visiting my blog. I hope to hear your thoughts about this talk! Please comment below. And please share this with your Sunday school teacher. Thank you!

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Christy said…
Great ideas to help me with my Relief Society lesson this Sunday. I see now how the whole myopic discussion is directly related to letting God prevail in our lives. It really helps us to be able to do it if we keep an eye on that bigger picture.
Mari said…
Thank you so much Christy!