Forgiveness is a Christlike Attribute



Forgiveness is a Christlike attribute but what attitude that Jesus Christ has that He can forgive? What did He do to develop forgiveness? Why He was able to forgive those who nailed Him on the cross? Those who mocked at him? And those who conspired to have Him killed? How did Jesus Christ be able to do it knowing that many have sin to Him, even in advance? He knows that He will be betrayed?


When I was in high school, I made a new year resolution. I told myself that I don't like to have an enemy. So, I pondered who among my friends that I hate or is an enemy to me. 

I identified this one schoolmate that I don't like and hate the way he treated me. I asked our common friends to go with me to have a meeting. We talked together and told each other what we don't like and how we like to be treated by each other. It was an awkward moment however we ended up friends again and became happy.

George Albert Smith
He ran for election knowing that his close friend was his rival and was accused of unethical practices. Ended up losing the election. He was hurt and having no peace of mind, he decided to talk to his friend at his office and ask for forgiveness. His friend told him that it was not necessary but still, Mr. Smith did it and they both feel better. Their friendship was restored. 

Prodigal Son's Story
During the pandemic, I've learned another meaning for the prodigal son's story. All I know before that the prodigal son was a bad son because he chose to leave his parents and live the life he wants. And his father forgave him with gratefulness when he finally decided to come back. 

However, a new insight I learned from this story. I think the prodigal son was not a bad person. He wants to live the life he wanted by asking for all the money from his father knowing that he know-how. His father gives all his inheritance. He was named prodigal because he spends money in a reckless and extravagant way that resulted to lose all that money and went back to his father asking for forgiveness. His father felt so much joy seeing his son came back humbled and learned.


1. Look into our hearts and find peace.

Forgiving is a hard thing to do however when we feel we can find peace of forgiving, let us do it. We can ask the Lord for the strength to forgive. In Matthew 6:14-15 it says, "For ye forgive men their trespasses, your Heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

2. Avoid bitterness, anger, and hatred.

Let us abandon these feelings and stop developing the habit of speaking about the faults of others. In Matthew 5:44 it says "Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them that despitefully use you and persecute you." Purge all the feelings of unkindness towards one another. It is not easy but having the choice of wanting to do it into practice, we can actually learn how to manage ourselves to avoid bitterness.


I noticed that forgiveness uses our hearts first and next to our minds.

If we come to justify ourselves not to forgive because we are tired of the continual mistakes of other people to us. Or the person who has caused us pain did not even bother to acknowledge their wrongful actions, remember that God will be the judge of other harmful actions.

In D&C 64:11 it says, "And ye ought to say in your hearts, let God judge between me and thee and reward thee according to thy deeds."

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