Another successful Relief Society Activity we had last Saturday, the 13th of November. I prayed so hard of what I should make for the activity since our plan was to make a Christmas Decoration. I'm so thankful for the inspiration I got from my prayer. It was answered. Together with the R.S. Secretary and the 2nd Councilor, we have agreed that we will make a Christmas Wreath.
And the next question I had was, How would I prepare my lesson in relation to Christmas Wreath? And after study and searching, I have made a lesson. I'm so thankful for the inspiration! You can download the lesson by clicking it here.
Sisters realized what symbolizes the Christmas Wreath. And it is so wonderful to know that all these things shows the tender love of our Heavenly Father and his Son Jesus Christ to each one of us. And everyone enjoyed decorating each wreath. It would have been more exciting if sisters would bring their old Christmas ornaments to have a variety. Thanks to the San Nicolas Ward Relief Society Sisters and the Presidency! :-)