Paper Flower Tutorial

   Our last Relief Society Homemaking Activity was to make a paper flower. Every one was excited for our new project. My special thanks to Sister Weng for teaching us to do this project.
             At first the making is a little difficult. I need to control my hand in twisting the paper. But after few try I was surprise of my own handmade paper flower. I made a Gumamela flower. It's very famous in Philippines. My husband was laughing because of that pollen stuff but as I finished it, it looks so pretty. My husband told me the flower is so beautiful. I got a hundred points from him because I gave it to him. :-) Feel so great.

             I'm so thankful for the Relief Society Organization of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The program we have in the church will really help strengthen each sisters in every ward, to our family, and  also relationship to our Father in Heaven and his Son, Jesus Christ.

Finally, I was able to make a simple tutorial for the paper flower we made from our Relief Society Additional Meeting. 

What you need...
Used paper, cut into strips 1" width (one side used)
Water Cellophane (Different colors), cut into strips 1"
Adhesive Tape

How to do?

Part 1: Preparing the paper stick

Paper with one side printed should be use to recycle or if you have other idea, you can do it. Cut into 1" strips. Here, I used A4 size used paper. We need 7 strips for 1 petal.
I got a stick. In Philippines we call it "walis ting-ting". It is from the coconut leaves. We peel off the leaves and this one remains. Sorry I don't know how to call it in English.

Get one strip of paper and start at the beginning to roll the paper and apply glue.
This way...
At the end, put some glue to fix the paper.
Like this..
Start to pull down the stick inside the rolled paper. hmm.. sometimes it's a little hard if you roll the paper too tight.
Finally, the separated! Make 7 paper sticks.
It doesn't matter if the 7 paper sticks are not of the same heights.

Part 2: Covering the paper sticks

Get you water cellophane. Cut into 1" strip.
Cover the rolled paper with water cellophane. Put glue.
Roll the water cellophane like this.
At the end, apply glue to fix.

Cover all 7 sticks.
Part 3:  Petals Assembly

Get 2 pcs. of paper sticks. One stick is vertical in position under the horizontal stick.
Fold the vertical stick. This way.

Fold right side inward.
Fold left side outward.
Insert a new stick by alternation. (Sorry don't know how to describe this)
Fold right side inward.

Fold left side outward.
Insert a new stick.

Fold right side inward.
Fold left side outward.
 Finish all the remaining sticks with the same procedure. After you finish all the sticks, it will now look like this.

Make 4 petals!

Note: To make the leaves, just follow the same procedure but the color is green. :-)

I really tried so hard to post this tutorial. I hope that some how I was able to help you and make you happy with this tutorial. I apologize for the poor English. If you have any suggestions to improve this tutorial, please please let me know. Thank you so much!

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