On Sunday, March 6,2011, the Sisters of San Nicolas Ward watched the movie Emma Smith My Story. After having the lunch everyone is eager to have watch the movie and learn the life of Emma Smith.
I liked the review of this blogger about the movie.
I think Emma Smith is someone extraordinary. I really felt that the suffering she had (the death of her children) is a heavy burden for her. Last Sunday, we talked about the yoke that we took upon us, and we shall find rest. Emma Smith has take upon her the yoke and trusted the Lord in all her doings. Having Joseph Smith always gone for mission and left alone to take care of her children and all the sick and needy, I think is a Great Example as Women in the church to emulate.
After watching this movie, I became so interested on the history of Joseph Smith and Emma Smith. And I discovered so many things and I learned something from it. You can visit JOSEPHSMITHJR.ORG or Relief Society to learn more about their history.
In the movie, there are some lines that Emma Smith has said that is really meaningful. I made bookmarks for Sisters that they can use for reading their scriptures. I used the words of Emma Smith in the movie as messages in the bookmarks. It is wonderful.
Here are some of the lines that I heard so clearly with my ear. I think if you watch it, you'll find something new that I now hear.
"We know that women who have deep appreciation for the past will be concerned about shaping a righteous future." Spencer W. Kimball
"Ultimately, the value of history is not so much in its dates, times, and places. It is valuable as it teaches us the principles, purposes and patterns we have to follow. And it helps us to know who we are, what we are to do, and unites us in strengthening the homes of Zion and building the kingdom of God in the earth." Sister Julie B. Beck
"Strength isn't something you have. It is something God help you find. And we have to find it." Emma Smith My Story
"Don't let your sorrow rob your faith."
Emma Smith My Story
Emma Smith My Story
"Revelation does not come until you are ready to ask." Emma Smith My Story (my favorite)
"Strength does not come from seeing. It is only come from faith. Revelation is a source of strength."
Emma Smith My Story (also nice)
Emma Smith My Story (also nice)
"Sometimes you things in your heart that you don't know in your head." Emma Smith My Story
"No amount of sorrow can make things right. Only the Lord's love if we let him." Emma Smith My Story
Thank you Sisters for extending your time and effort in attending this meeting. Sometimes we need to take the effort to learn and gain something in our heart. I know we all did!
Update: Joseph Smith: The Prophet of the Restoration has been uploaded to YouTube! This movie is very inspiring. Take some time and share this to your family and friends. This movie has the same settings with the Emma Smith: My Story.