General Conference Study Journal: Am I Good Enough? Will I Make It?

I haven't able to hear this talk at the Church during the conference but when I read and study it, I am reminded. It gives me peace in my heart and it answered the same question that I'm not sure of the answer before.

When I studied Nephi chapter nine of the Book of Mormon, Jacob explained very well the Plan of Salvation. Every time I studied it, I am always amazed. 

And that every time I also asked myself if I am able to make it to Celestial Kingdom with my husband and with my family. Am I able to face the Lord with all righteousness and not wickedness in full remembrance? I feel sad and doubted the answer if I try to ask through prayer and I tend not to be attentive to the promptings because I am afraid to know it. There is an answer but I ignore it.

The answer was, as long as I always repent sincerely, it will be forgotten by the Lord and I can make it there. I have that in mind as I ponder every day.  I am not so convince with the feeling and promptings.

Finally, this talk was a confirmation for me. Did I wait for confirmation? No, it was not like that. It was not intentional. I was in a process of pondering and asking, knocking, and continually receiving answers bits of pieces. And this answer is like a pizza pie, delivered in front of me, a big answer with a wide open eyes, mind and heart. J

Elder Cornish has counseled us.  
  • ·        We must stop comparing ourselves to others. If we must compare, let us compare how we were in the past to how we are today.
  • ·        The answer to the question is “Yes! You are going to be good enough” and “Yes, you are going to make it as long as you keep repenting and do not rationalize or rebel.” I think we must believe that we are going to make it.
  • ·        Pres. Gordon B. Hinckley said, “Brothers and sisters, all the Lord expects of us is to try, but you have to really try!”
  • ·        All we have to do to receive this heavenly help is to ask for it and then to act on the righteous promptings we receive. Atonement and grace of the Lord will help us in our journey.
  • ·        The great news is that if we have sincerely repented, our former sins will not keep us from being exalted. Really a great news!

And this is the most that I wanted to liken…

“I witness to you that if you will really try and will not rationalize or rebel—
repenting often and pleading for the grace, or help, of Christ—you positively
are going to be “good enough,” that is, acceptable before the Lord; you are
going to make it to the celestial kingdom, being perfect in Christ; and you are
going to receive the blessings and glory and joy that God desires for each of

His precious children—including specifically you and me.”

I'm sharing with you my study journal page for this talk. You can use it for personal study and if you're going to give a lesson. 

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